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Usage of a mobile maritime radio station and radio license

Issuance of a radio license for a small vessel
According to the Radio Communications Laws of 2002 to 2004 and the Radio Communications Regulations of 2004, the usage of a maritime mobile station must be registered and a usage license must be issued.

The application form (M.S. 34A) for the registration of a mobile maritime radio station for a small vessel should be submitted to the Offices of the Deputy Ministry of Shipping and must be accompanied by:

  • A copy of the certificate of registration (M.S. 36) of a small vessel
  • The fee of €40.

The right for use of radio frequencies (radio license) is issued upon receipt of the above for a period of one (1) year and it is renewed on a yearly basis.

Radio license renewal for a small vessel
The fee for the renewal of the radio license is €20. In case that the fee for the renewal of the registration Certificate of the Mobile Radio Station, which is in accordance with paragraph 2 of the Section 2 of the Third Annex of the Radio communications (Fees) Regulations of 2004, is not paid within one month from the due date, then the right of use of radio frequencies is terminated and the holder of a mobile maritime radio station is not allowed to use it. Anyone using such equipment with no valid radio license is subject to prosecution and / or fines as these are described in Article 52 of the Radio Communications Laws of 2002 to 2004.

If the holder of the radio station wishes to continue its operation, a new registration form (M.S. 34A) of a mobile maritime radio station must be submitted with the application fees, which are in accordance with the Radio communications (Fees) Regulations of 2004.

Payments can be done at the cashier of the Shipping Deputy Ministry or through (click on this link for renewal, or this link in case that the licence expired and need to be reissued). Payments by cheque should be made in the name of "The Permanent Secretary of the Shipping Deputy Ministry".

Change of ownership of a small vessel
In case the ownership of a registered small vessel is changed (which has already been furnished with a radio licence which on the date of transfer of ownership is valid), a new licence is issued provided the fee of €20 is paid.