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Sanctions Information Notices (SINs) is a procedure with which the SDM provides information on United Nations economic sanctions and European Union restrictive measures in force in the field of merchant shipping. The issuing of SINs is in place since January 2017. Prior to this date, relevant information on UN sanctions and EU restrictive measures was included in SDM Circulars.

Relevant National Law of the Republic of Cyprus:
The Implementation of the Provisions of the Resolutions or Decisions of United Nations Security Council (Sanctions) and of the Decisions and Regulations of the Council of the European Union (Restrictive Measures) Law of 2016, Law 58(I)/2016.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website (Theme ‘Sanctions’) lists relevant information regarding Sanctions/Restrictive Measures.

Useful links on EU restrictive measures from:
• The EU Sanctions MAP, which provides comprehensive details of all EU sanctions regimes and their corresponding legal acts, including those regimes adopted by the UN Security Council and transposed at EU level.
• The “European Union Consolidated Financial Sanctions List”, regularly updated by DG FISMA.
• The European Union External Action Service website.
• The European Commission website.
• The Council of the European Union website.
• The Official Journal of the European Union.
• The Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) website.
• Questions and answers on restrictive measures

Useful links on UN sanctions:
General Information.
Consolidated List of Sanctions.
United Nations Security Council Resolutions.

It must also be noted that a copy (electronic or hardcopy) of all valid SINs must be placed on board Cyprus flag vessels.

Sanctions Information Notices issued by SDM:

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2019
  • 2018
  • 2017